I.K.V., s.r.o. operates in the supply and service of the industrial cleaning and degreasing machines of workpieces, components for chips procesing and filtration of mist .
The company was founded in 2007. Its activities initially followed the activities of the company Industria Dohmen CZ, which delivered to the Czech Republic products of the company Reven Rentschler GmbH. Since 2008 the company expanded its range of additional equipment
From January 2018, when the company has moved to a new hall, the company expand by a new service - subcontracting washing of parts and possibility to do washing trials by an aqueous ultrasonic washing machine from the producer Ultratecno and degreasing solvent machine from the producer EMO. Our company is a supplier and also an authorized service of industrial aquaes wash machines of workpieces from the German company LPW Reinigunssysteme GmbH and the French company Mecanolav.Our company is a supplier and also an authorized service of industrial solvent degreasing machines of workpieces from the German companies Hösel GmbH and EMO Oberlächentechnik GmbH.Our company is a suplier of components of chip procesing machines from the German company LANNER Anlagenbau GmbH, for example.complete line for drying of chips and briqueting machines, centrifuges for drying of chips and crushers for ferrous and non-ferrous materials. This year we expanded our range of products supplied by ultrasonic wash machines from the Spanish company Ultratecno, which was first presented at our stand at MSV in Brno in 2016. We are supplier of machines for filtration of cooling liquid, oil separation and high pressure pumps of Danish company Accustrip.
We also provide service and installation of all the products which we supply.
For all devices we also provide a supply of spare parts and wear parts.
Our target is to provide services for our customers to find solution for clean production halls and safe invironment.